Troup County Stefani’s Corner

Stefani Evans gathered many facts and files during her research and has graciously shared many with us. We thank you Stefani, from one and all ! Genealogy is about sharing.

Subjects: Click item number~
1. Will of Aaron Evans
2. Will of Thomas Hines
3. Obituary: L. A. Florence
4. Obituary: Ed Winn
5. Obituary: William Reynolds Winn (baby)
6. Obituary: Aaron Young Evans
7. Obituary: Mrs. E. T. Winn
8. Obituary: Thomas Evans
8a. Obituary: Alice Evans
8b. Obituary: Sister Martha Evans
8c. Obituary: Seaborn W. Evans
8d. Obituary: Mrs. Martha, consort of Lewis Cox
9. Newspaper article: Edwin T. Winn
10. Newspaper article: John Reid
10a. Newspaper: Mountville Grange
10b. Newspaper: J. H. Pitman was nominated 1st Lieutenant
11. Letter Wilson Partridge to Evans
12. Court: Ed Winn’s
13. Some Early Families of Troup County Georgia
link History: Mountville Methodist Church

1. Will of Aaron Evans, Troup County Archives, LaGrange, GA
State of Georgia
County of Troup
Know all men by these presents that I Aaron Evans of Said County do make this my last will and testament, I being of sound and disposing mind and memory.
Item 1st
I desire that my just debts be paid by my executor hereafter appointed.
Item 2nd
I will and desire that all my property both real and personal should be left to my beloved wife Elizabeth [added note: Hines] for and during her natural life.
Item 3
At the death of my said wife, I give and bequeath the home place where I now live viz lot No. 181 in the Mountville District said County to my two Children–Lucy Ann Florence and William T. H. Evans.  Said Lucy Ann to have the South half of said lot upon which the houses are located, and my said son William T. H. Evans to have the north half of said lot.  Upon the death of my said wife.
Allice Florence, my daughter, is to have fifty acres more or less of lot No. 182 bounded on North by Lot No. 181. South by Nash Swanson.  East by dower of Martha Evans & West by Dr. Joe Bradfield.  Said fifty acres to belong to my said daughter Allice Florence during her natural life & after her death to her children.  I also give to my said daughter Allice Florence three hundred dollars in money to be paid her a the death of my said wife. If there should be anything left, I desire it to be equally divided between my said children, share and share alike.  if a division cannot be made without sale then let there be such sale without any order of court.  I do not wish any returns made unless absolutely necessary.  I hereby appoint as my executor & Executrix of this my last will my son William T. H. Evans and my daughter Lucy Ann Florence. This March 7″ 1882.
Aaron Evans
The foregoing signed sealed published and declared by Aaron Evans as his last will and testament in our presence and in presence of each other the witnesses the same in his presence and at his request on this the 7″ day of March 1882.
James A. Cox
Robt Fincher
E. F. Martin
Filed in office this Sept. 1, 1890
R. W. Young Ordinary Return to Top

        Will made in Troup County 24 April 1860; recorded 3 Oct 1860 by Samuel
2. Cartwright, Ordinary [now at Troup County Archives, LaGrange, GA]
Will Book B, page 203; DR 152; Box 4
Troup County
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Hines of the aforesaid State and County now being of Sound mind but being advanced in life and knowing that it is ordained that all men must die do hereby and herein make this my last will and Testament revoking and annulling all others heretofore made by me.
Item 1st
I will and desire that after my death my body be buried in a decent and Christian manner.
Item 2nd
After my just debts are paid I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Lucy Hines Two Hundred dollars in money, my negro woman Louisa and her Eldest Child a boy by the name of Lafayette.  The Said woman to be disposed of as she may think proper at her death but the boy at the end of her widowhood or death to  belong to my children. After my death I desire that my wife shall have such household property as she was possessed of at time of our marriage and Such as she has made for herself in the meantime.
Item 3rd
As I have heretofore given some of my children more property than some others it is my wish that each of them should value what they have received at the time it was given which amount Shall be deducted from their prorata distributive share of the residue of my Estate.
Item 4th
I desire that after the above Items are Executed that the remaining portion of my estate be divided equally between my children.
Item 5th
I do hereby appoint and constitute my two sons James and Samuel Hines my two executors to have this my last will and Testament faithfully executed.  The above and within will of Thomas Hines was executed published signed and sealed this the 24th day of April 1860.
Thomas Hines
Wm. P. Beasley
H. J. Hightower
Aaron Evans Return to Top

        Obituaries from undated, unidentified newspapers:
The members of the Mountville Auxiliary of W. F. M. S. resolve that in the death of our beloved and honored sister we have lost the most consecrated, the most worthy member of our society.  God in his infinite wisdom has called her to the life more abundant.  We deeply realize our earthly loss and pray our Heavenly Father will give us submissive minds, and pour into our bleeding hearts the sweet resignation that ever characterized her blessed life; the life which was a benediction to us.  The Missionary meetings were joyous occasions to her; she delighted in working for her Master, and her soul was often made to rejoice in these meetings.  How we shall miss the sunshine of her presence, which was ever an inspiration to us! Her’s was one of those rare natures responsive alike to all that was good and beautiful.  Like the violet she loved, the sweetness and purity and strength of her character was hidden under leaves of timidity, but those who knew her and loved her realized that the fragrance came even beyond the leaves and sweetened their own lives.  When the end came, where the frail, tired body gave up the struggle, there was no fear, for peace, the peace that passeth understanding that had been her’s in life, strengthened her.
In early childhood she gave her heart to God and her service to His Church.  She was born Dec. 22, 1842, and died Apr. 8, 1906.  She lived her life in this community, where she was honored and loved.  Though aching hearts are longing and crying out in loneliness, our faith makes us know that with her “all is well,” and in that “beautiful city, whose builder and maker is God,” she is listening to sweeter music than this world can ever know. “I have read of a beautiful city, Far away in the Kingdom of God; I have read how its walls are of Jasper, How its streets are all golden and broad.  In the midst of that street is life’s river Clear as crystal and pure to behold,< But not half of that city’s bright glory To mortals has ever been told.”  “I have read of a Christ so forgiving That vile sinners may ask and receive, Peace and pardon from every transgression If when asking they only believe.  I have read how He’ll guide and protect us, If for safety we enter His fold, But not half of His goodness and mercy To mortals has ever been told.” Mrs. Carrie Read Patterson
Mrs. Bettie Beasly Wells

I want to write of the death of my wife’s mother, Mrs. Lucy Ann Florence which occurred at my home on April 8th, 1906, at the age of 64 years. In her death the church and Sunday School has lost one of its best workers and most loyal friends.
She was left a widow in early life, her husband, Callaway Florence, having died in the Confederate Army.  My wife being an only child; Mrs. Florence has been an inmate of my home for a number of years.  I wish to pay this little tribute to her christian life;  How beautiful was her every day life in our home!  Her presence was always like a ray of sunshine scattering brightness and happiness wherever she went.  I don’t think there was ever a day since I knew her that she was not ready to meet her Savior.  She never doubted. She had said to me so often, “live right and you will die right.”  How beautifully did she show this in her last moments!  She called each of her loved ones about her, telling us as calmly as if preparing for her daily business to meet her in Heaven, expressing the wish that we would be an unbroken family in the home prepared for the good. She loved so much to read the 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”  Her last words to her loving daughter and sister were:  “How
sweet to trust in Jesus.” We all have the assurance as she came down to cross death’s dark river that it was his own hands that bore her sweet spirit safely across to the beautiful city of God.
She leaves to mourn her death an only daughter, Mrs. Wilson Partridge, and ten grandchildren, also an only sister and brother, Mrs. Alice Florence and Mr. W. T. Evans, of Mountville.
Her son-in-law,
Wilson Partridge Return to Top

4. LAGRANGE REPORTER, 10 Jul 1896, p. 1 [Troup County Archives, LaGrange, GA]
Ed. Winn is dead.
How many hearts in Troup county and Georgia will be saddened by this news. Mr. Winn has been in failing health for some time, but few realized that he was so near death’s door until the end came.
Surrounded by his family and friends he passed away at 7:10 Thursday morning. Mr. Winn was born in Notasulga, Clay county, Ala., in 1846, where his parents resided at that time.  He lived at that place until his thirteenth year, when as a mere boy, he entered the Confederate ranks a drummer boy, and gallantly went to the front.  His deeds of valor and bravery fighting for the cause he loved so well, soon won for him the favor and esteem of his officers and comrades.  It is said that he was the youngest soldier in the confederate ranks.
After the surrender he came to Troup county and lived at Antioch, where he engaged in the mercantile business and was a large planter.  At that place he married in 1870, Miss Mattie Reynolds, who died several years ago. Six children blessed their union, five of whom survive him, Misses Annie and Vela, E.T., Jr., Gordon and Wade.
In 1884 he entered into the mercantile business in LaGarange and two years later offered himself as a candidate for clerk of the Superior Court, and was unanimously elected to fill that important office.  He was re-elected five times in succession, which shows in what regard he was held as a faithful and efficient officer by the people of Troup county.
He was possessed of many noble traits of character.  His universal kindness and courtly manners, had made for him many friends, who deeply sympathize with the family and bereaved ones in their hour of sorrow.
It has been truly said of him that he was the most popular man in the county. The funeral services will occur Friday morning at 10 o’clock at the family residence on Montgomery avenue.  The Light Guards of which company he was at one time first lieutenant and later an honorary member, will escort the remains to their last resting place in Hill View. Return to Top

5. LAGRANGE REPORTER, 12 Mar 1885, p. 3 [Troup County Archives, LaGrange, GA]
The death of a babe is not noticed much by the great world. There is no long procession, no closing of store doors, no funereal pomp. But it is a beart-breaking scene when the little form is taken from its mother’s embrace and carried away to the cold grave. She will miss it from her arms, from her bosom–its nestling place and in the midnight hour she will unconsciously turn to its vacant place beside her. There are two empty cradles in LaGrange to-day that ertswhile were the repositories of a world of affection and fond parental hopes.  And now the mother’s heart is in heaven with its glorified innocent, while her dim eyes look in vain for the little nestler in its accustomed place. […paragraph deleted…] On Monday morning, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Winn were called to pass through a like ordeal in the death of their babe, William Reynolds Winn, aged about five months.  The child was sick not quite two days. Disease of the bowels was the cause of death. It was laid away in the city cemetery [sic] on Monday afternoon, Rev. R. H. Harris conducting the services. These households, so deeply bereaved, have our sincere sympathy. Return to Top

6. LAGRANGE DAILY NEWS, 7 May 1945, p. 1
Funeral services for Aaron Young Evans, 54, of College Park, a former resident of LaGrange, who died Sunday at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Atlanta, will be held here Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the chapel of Hunter-Owen with the Rev. John B. Tate of Marietta and the Rev. R. C. Cleckler of College Park, officiating. Mr. Evans was a former member of the faculty of LaGrange High School and at the time of his death was associated with the American Crayon Company. Surviving are:  his wife, Mrs. Clara Wells Evans; one son, Captain William J. Evans of the Army Air Forces Tactical Center at Orlando, Fla; a sister, Mrs. Tom Lawrence of Ocilla; three brothers, Seaborn W. Evans of Pensacola, Fla., William S. Evans of Los Angeles, Cal.; and one grandchild. Burial will follow in Mountville with Hunter-Owen, local morticians, in charge and with Pierce Reeves and Fred Slygh of Atlanta, Dr. M.T. Anderson of College Park, Lt. Alfred Knouff, United States Naval Reserve, of Candler Field, Herbert Wells and Ralph Neville of College Park serving as pallbearers. Return to Top

7. LAGRANGE REPORTER, 17 Mar 1893, p.4 [Troup County Archives, LaGrange, GA]
This good woman–the wife of our efficient and popular County Clerk–passed peacefully to her reward at about the hour of four on yesterday (Thursday) morning. So quietly did her spirit leave its earthly tenement that the watchers could scarcely tell when she ceased to breathe. She had been in failing health for some time, but her illness took a serious form only a few days before her death. Mrs. Winn was a very lovable lady. In every relation–as wife, mother, neighbor, friend–she was tender, faithful, kind and true. A lover of her home and family, she made it attractive and inviting. Her domestic accomplishments were superior and she looked well to the ways of her household. Her heart was full of love and charity. She was a Miss Reynolds, of Chambers county, Ala., and her aged parents yet lives[sic]. Her husband and children are sorely stricken by this great bereavement. They have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in their sorrow. Mrs. Winn was a member of the Baptist church, and her noble Christian character and good deeds proved her profession of faith in Christ genuine. She sweetly sleeps after life’s fever of unrest, its gloom and disappointments. May that God, in whose hands are the issues of life and death, bless the afflicted and make it a means of good to the living. The funeral took plce[sic] yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, from the residence.  Rev. G. S. Tumlin, assisted by Rev. S. P. Callaway, conducting them. A large number testified their respect for the deceased lady by their presence. The body was laid to rest in Hill View cemetery. Mrs. Winn was born Oct. 12, 1854, joined the church in 1867, was married July 16, 1871. She was a pupil in her youth of the Southern Female College.  Return to Top

8. THE SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Vol. 47, No. 44, 3 Mar 1854; p. 176, col. 1.
The Sandor Teszler Library, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC.
THOMAS EVANS, a native of Chatham co., N. C. removed to Troup co., Ga, where he died on the 15th January last. He was born 30th June 1770, was a member of the Church, without reproach, about fifty years. Few men, of such quietness and virtue as he possessed are seen in the course of a lifetime.  I have known him for twenty years, and of him I have never heard aught of evil.  He left a number of children behind him, all of whom are orderly members of the M. E. Church.  During his sickness he said “he was waiting for his change,” was “willing to die, was willing to go.” And now he rests in happiness with two infant children from whom he has been long separated, and his wife whose zeal one christian life was much shorter than his own. W.D. Martin. 
Return to Top

8a. Undated clipping from unidentified newspaper [likely the LAGRANGE REPORTER]. Original now in possession of Troup County Archives, LaGrange, GA.  IN MEMORY OF ALICE EVANS.
On the twelfth of February 1907, in her home in Mountville, Ga, little Alice Evans “fell asleep in Jesus”  She was the loving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Evans, the affectionate sister of two sisters and three brothers, the light and joy of the church, the friend of every living soul, the confiding child of her Father in Heaven. From birth her little life has always been that of a shut-in.  In early childhood she solemnly brought her all and laid it at the feet of Him who said, “Seek me ye first the kingdom of God” and “They that seek me early shall find me”  Her’s was a brief life but a full one. Just twenty-one years was her allotted period but it was lived to purpose. She was always vigilent, happy and cheerful, a veritable sunbeam in her home.  A more beautiful or amiable nature has never adorend the paths of time.  She was a great sufferer, but oh, how patiently she bore every pain, scarcely murmuring.  The lesson in patience she taught was beautiful.  She had a gigantic mind though her little body never grew to great statue. For years she has gone in an invalid’s chair, rolled by loving hands, hands that will miss the […] attention she requires no more. […] that she cheered, the advice she always gave, the beautiful life of [torn here]… Return to Top

8b. THE SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Vol. 5, No. 23, 18 Nov 1841, p. 92, col. 1; copied from microfilm, The Sandor Teszler Library, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC:
Sister Martha Evans, consort of Thomas Evans, died of palsy, on the 10th ult., in the 63rd year of her age, in Troup county, Ga. Sister Evans was born in 1779, in Chatham county, N.C.; was married in 1797; embraced religion and joined the Methodist E. Church in 1809.  Her piety was deep, and all her life consistent.  She lived to raise ten children, and to see them all members of the same Church, one of whom is an acceptable minister of the Gospel.  She was affected six years previous to her death, and for a few days deprived of her speech; yet, as long as long[sic] as able to talk she gave evidence of her preparation to meet death.  She has left her companion, children and friends to mourn their loss; yet their loss is her […] gain.  She rests from her labors and her works do follow her. E.W. Reynolds. Return to Top

8c. Troup County Archives, LaGrange, GA
LAGRANGE DAILY NEWS, Saturday 8 Feb 1969, p. 1
Seaborn W. Evans, 74, died Friday morning at City-County Hospital following an illness of several weeks. Mr. Evans was born in Mountville and lived in Troup County all of his life.  He was Secretary-Treasurer of Stewart Wholesale Hardware Company and was associated with the firm for 35 years.  He was a member of the First Methodist Church, the Highland Country Club, the Moose Club, and a veteran of World War I. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Seaborn W. Evans of LaGrange; one sister,
Mrs. Tom Lawrence of East Point; and one brother, William S. Evans of Santa
Maria, Calif. Graveside services will be held this afternoon at 4:30 in Shadowlawn Cemetery.  Rev. William M. Holt, Rev. Malcolm C. Davis, and Rev. Omar E. Graves will officiate. Hunter-Allen-Myhand Funeral  Return to Top

8d. THE SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Vol. 15, No. 52, 28 May 1852; p. 208, col. 2. The Sandor Teszler Library, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC. Died, in Troup co., Ga. 2nd May, Mrs. Martha, consort of Lewis Cox, aged 47 years 5 months and 2 days. She was the daughter of Thomas and Martha Evans, and was born in Chatham co., N. C. She embraced religion some years previous to her marriage, attached herself to the M. E. Church and has ever since been a warm and zealous member and an unwavering adherent to the cause of Christ.  As a neighbor she was kind and obliging, as a friend constant and unostentatious; as a daughter affectionate and dutiful; as a wife useful, sociable and amiable; as a mother provident and fond; and as a Christian, meek, zealous and devotional. The domestic hearth she enlightened with the radiance of Christian purity, displaying by precept and example, the beauty of holiness, to the edification of her family and to the honor of God’s holy name. By punctual attendance and true devotion, she manifested her love to the Church of Christ and to the great scheme of redemption through his blood. By her uniformly pious walk and godly conversation, the fruit of a well-grounded faith she has left a bright example to her children and the youth of her acquaintance.  The writer saw her very frequently during her illness, and is able to testify to the Christian fortitude with which she endured the most excruciating pain and extreme suffering. Death came to her unclothed with terror or dismay. She calmly and resignedly professed her will ingress to depart. With the most tranquil composure she sank into the arms of death fully relying upon the merits of a crucified Redeemer. M. Return to Top

9. LAGRANGE REPORTER, 20 Jan 1893, p. 1[with accompanying picture]. Copy made
from microfilm at Troup Co. Archives 21 Apr 2001.
Edwin[sic] T. Winn, whose portrait we herewith present, is known as the best Superior Court Clerk in Georgia. He seems to have just been made to fill the place to which he has now been elected for the third time. In affability, in readiness to oblige, in knowledge of his duties, in quickness of perception and action, in excellent chirography, he is first among his equals, if the latter can be found. When Mr. Winn was nominated last summer by the Democrats of the county for re-election, the REPORTER gave a brief biographical sketch, to which it now adds the expression of its sincere wish that he may grow constantly in the affections of his friends and the public and that he may live long as the custodian of our county records. His handsome features, as here photographed, will be viewed with genuine pleasure by his constituents and acquaintances generally. Return to Top

10. LAGRANGE REPORTER, 5 Apr 1877, p. 3. Copy made from microfilm at Troup Co.
Archives 21 Apr 2001.
Antioch, which is one of the best communities in this or any other county, is stepping along quite lively in regard to intellectual amusements. The citizens have a debating club, known as the Antioch Debating Society, of which Mr. John B. Reid is president, and Mr. E. T. Winn, secretary. They meet every Saturday night, and always have a large attendance of spectators, including ladies. Last Saturday night, a most interesting discussion was had on the question of whether a constitutional convention is necessary, and it was decided in the affirmative. There are also three spelling clubs, each of which has a “bee” once a week. These are also interesting and well attended. Return to Top

10a. LAGRANGE REPORTER, 3 Oct 1873.  Copy from microfilm at Troup Co. Archives, 21
Apr 2001.
MOUNTVILLE GRANGE was organized by James H. Fannin, Esq., August 29. These are the officers:
Early Baker–Master.
Aleck Allison–Overseer.
E. Freeman Martha[sic]–Lecturer.
Aaron Evans–Steward.
John J. Thrash–Ass’t Steward.
Dr. Joseph Bradfield–Chaplain.
H. J. Hightower–Treasurer.
Reuben Jones–Secretary.
Thos. Martin–Gate Keeper.
Mrs. L.E.C. Hightower–Ceres.
Mrs. Mary Harmon–Pomona.
Mrs. Lucy A. Florence–Flora.
Miss Abbie Harmon–Lady Ass’t Steward. Return to Top

10b. LAGRANGE REPORTER, 23 May 1890, p. 1.  Copy made and sent by Troup Co. Archives June 2001.
Military Nomination. On Monday night, Hon. J. H. Pitman was nominated first Lieutenant of the LaGrange Light guards, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lieut. E. T. Winn. Liert. Winn laid aside his sword and epaulettes voluntarily, and shouldered his musket as a private in the ranks.  He is a veteran of the “great conflict,” and prefers to stand in the ranks of the Guards in peace just as he did in the smoke of war.  Indeed, the standing of our two companies, socially, is such that men and officers are on the same plane.  There are men in each company who fought for Southern rights through the war, held military office then and civil honors since, who are now privates in the Guards and Hussars.  This shows that the old espirit du corps, which sent the flower of Southern manhood and chivalry to the ranks, lives among us yet.  Our military companies represent the energy, talent and wealth of LaGrange, and our people are proud of them.  Lieut. Pitman will make a splendid officer, as he did once before.  While sorry to give up Lieut. Winn, the boys feel that they could hardly have done better in selecting a successor. Return to Top

11. Letter from Wilson Partridge, original now at Troup County Archives,
LaGrange, GA.
Wilson Partridge
Mountville, Ga.
Sept 17. 1934
Mr. W. T. Evans
Ocilla Ga
Dear Will
Received your card Sat was very glad to hear from you all think of you and Milford every day.  I have missed you from Sunday School very much.  I am out now I see they have given my class to an up to date teacher they don’t have any use for old people now I feel I have a great burden off of and we are all getting on very well. Crops up here are very Sorry corn and cotton both are very short I was very Sorry to See Talmage to be governor again.  guess you were. Sara says she will not answer Louise’s card now as I am writing you much love to all of you. Wilson Partridge Return to Top

12. Davidson, William H., GENTLEFOLK 1888, Vol. 1(Thompson-Shore, Inc.] 1994, p.
The following is a rare instance of official promptness and dispatch. Clerk of Superior Court E. T. Winn, on Monday received application from West Point for a certified copy of an important paper on record in his office. It was a long document, but he sat up until ten o’clock at night to copy it, and then hired a negro to mail it in the night mail. Of course, the applicant had no idea of getting it by the next train, but he received it, and it saved his time and money. This is the secret of Ed Winn’s success as clerk. He keeps things well up, is prompt, as well as cordial, polite and accommodating. He is a model public officer.–LAGRANGE REPORTER, Thursday, March 21[1888] Ed. Note: Edward T. Winn was Clerk of Superior Court, Troup Co., GA,
1887-1896. Return to Top

13. Some Early Families of Troup County Georgia

Thomas EVANS and wife Martha BROOKS, Chatham Co., NC to Mountville, Troup Co., GA, 1827. Founder of Mountville Methodist Church.

Thomas HINES and wife Lucy HIGHTOWER, Chatham Co., NC to Mountville, Troup Co., GA, probably via Upson and Laurens Counties, GA.

Elizabeth HINES, probable mother of Thomas, was an 1827 Winner, Original Land Owners, Elizabeth Hines of Laurens County, Widow of Revolutionary Soldier, LL 251, 6th District.

William REYNOLDS and wife Mary Elizabeth YOUNG, Greene Co., GA to Antioch, Troup Co., GA, before 1840; later to Fredonia, Chambers Co., AL.

Thomas WINN and wife Nancy GREER, Greene Co., GA to Antioch, Troup Co., GA, before 1837.

Seaborn J. Thompson arrived in Troup County about 1827. He became the sheriff, tan-yard owner, hotel owner and operated a stage coach service. He was also a slave mortgage broker. Return to Top

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